Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Time to get back at it

I haven't been to the gym since the boys have been out of school.  Why you ask?  Because with Christmas and New Year's and other commitments, I would have to go at midnight and though the gym is probably empty then, that is not my style.  I have discovered I really do not enjoy working out in the afternoon/evening time slots.  Mornings are for me. 
This is a weird discovery seeing as I am no longer a morning person.  I used to be able to just jump out of bed in the morning, no matter how much sleep I got and I could be up and running.  This is no longer true.  What is more true of me now is that no matter how much sleep I have gotten the night before, when my alarm goes off at 5:45, I hit snooze.  I have been setting my alarm for 5:45 for over a month and I have yet to actually get out of bed when it goes off.  I do wake up and lay in bed for 15 minutes and think of all the things I could be doing, but don't actually get up and do them.
So then the alarm goes off at 6 and I'm still not quite ready to get out of bed.  However, I do because I have to be out the door a little after 7.  I wonder why the change.  Is it because I'm older?  Really, 34 is older????  I don't like the sound of that, especially since I will be 35 next month...mid 30's...I'm not crying, really I'm not.
I'm hoping to one day jump out of bed at 5:45 with a smile on my face, but until then...
So anyway, I'm back to the gym tomorrow at 8:30 to get my fit on!  I have to say I'm very much looking forward to getting back into my routine.  I know what you're thinking, 10 days and you had a routine?  Yep I did:
M W F - 30 minute strength training circuit and 30 minutes on the treadmill
T TR - 45/60 minutes on the treadmill and 15/20 minutes on the bike (my least favorite, but if it gets me to where I want to be, I will do it)
So tune in tomorrow for Day 7 of my blog because apparently I didn't blog those last 4 days!  Sheesh!
However, I promise to get better at it because I have had lots of encouragement from others reading about my journey.  So I will do my best to get each day blogged and preserved for posterity! Happy reading!

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